StartPage & Privacy Search Services


Startpage » The world's most private search engine. delivers online tools that help you to stay in control of your personal information and protect your online privacy.

StartPage’s privacy policy is simple and to the point: “We don’t track you. We don’t profile you. Period.” When using this private search engine, metadata (personal information like your IP address) is removed from your search query. This anonymous search request is then sent to Google, then the results are sent to you via StartPage without revealing any of your private data.

The experience is very straight-forward and their search results are consistently more relevant than other private search engines.

Finally, Startpage offers a very useful private browsing feature called “Anonymous View.” With this proxy feature, users can view images, videos, news, and entire websites with no tracking or trace.

If you are simply looking for relevant results with the confidence they put privacy first, is the choice for you.

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