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Epic Games Store » Download and play PC Games of every genre!

We all know the Epic Games Store isn’t going to replace Steam anytime soon. Yes, there aren’t a ton of games on here but there’s scope for success.

Epic Games Store also plans a tighter integration between the game developer’s social media and game pages, which should be interesting.

Due to its relative youth, the Epic Games Store hasn’t refined its interface to the same extent as its competition. Browsing the store can be a bit obtuse, and some users claim it has massive privacy problems that raise concerns.

EpicGames has secured enough exclusive titles and gives out high-quality free games regularly enough that it’s worth checking out!

EpicGames it has a very long way to go before it can rival Steam, but whether you like it or not, the Epic Games Store is here to stay and it has improved a fair bit over the months.

The owned library is simply, elegantly presented as a simple alphabetical list of games, but again, some filters are much needed. As for its social networking functions… well, you can add friends and text chat with them.

Epic Games gives away free titles every week; no need for a subscription. Head over to the Epic Games Store website or open the launcher, scroll down to the Free Games section, and hit the Free Now banner on the title you want. Then, go through the process as if you were purchasing the game. You won't be charged, and the game will appear in your games library on the Epic Games launcher.

The most famous game that this store has to offer is Fortnite. Yes my friends, unless you living in the stone age, this game has brought Epic gaming store to compete against big giants like Steam and other gaming clients. But you only need to know that there are many games on its catalog to play.

Epic Games is promising to add more PC apps in the future, including communications app Discord. There’s even a new section in the Epic Games Store dedicated to PC apps, so it’s clear Epic has ambitions to run its own Windows store here.

Epic Games Store » Download & Play PC Games, Mods, DLC & More.

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