ArsTechnica & Technology News

ArsTechnica » Original news, reviews, analysis of tech trends, and expert advice on the most fundamental aspects of tech.

Ars Technica features a wide range of news and editorials, delving into business, legal ramifications, security, and other consumer interests. Apart from tech news, it also covers business and IT news, gadgets and automobile, science and culture, and much more. There’s a subscription plan present to get the most out of the site and get an ad-free experience.

Readers can interact with one another by checking out the Ars Technica forums, which allow for discussions on hardware modifications, operations systems, software and gaming.

ArsTechnica is one of the oldest tech publications out there and became a trusted source for technology news, tech policy analysis, breakdowns of the latest scientific advancements, gadget reviews, software, hardware, and nearly everything else found in between layers of silicon.

The site's name, derived from the Latin for "the art of technology," reflects a perspective and a voice that is not only steeped in an appreciation of science and tech innovation, but which also deeply considers how the use of technology informs and changes human culture — and how culture and technology in turn are shaped by our own potential and shortcomings.

ArsTechnica » IT news, reviews, and analysis!

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