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Simply Hired is an aggregator for job offers around the world. You just need to have an idea of what you are looking for, as only one search input at a time is available on the site. is a technology company that operates job search engines in 24 countries and 12 languages. You can narrow employers down by all sorts of things including eco-friendly company culture, companies that promote diversity, employers that tend to hire veterans, and offers the ability to sort results by experience level, minimum education required, company size and revenue.

They also have a guide section for interviews, resumes, and cover letters.

Post your job for free on Simply Hired and it’s shared on over 120 job boards. You will receive an email notification each time an applicant applies on SimplyHired. is a popular site with a slick interface.

There are mobile apps for both Android and iOS, letting you hire or job-seek anywhere you go.

SimplyHired » Find jobs from a variety of employment and recruitment sites across the web.

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